Hi Christine,
What an excellent question -- you have clearly given it some thought. Most people don’t even ask about the human evolution issue, which is to say that they haven’t given thought to our design.
Before getting to the answer, I want to say that the only really valid reason for vegan living is the animal rights issue. The way we treat animals is deplorable and the desire to protect animals and prevent the kind of mass torture and slavery we have inflicted upon them is admirable.
History, however, tells us that are not meant to be vegans. We have been eating meat – just like our closest relatives, chimpanzees – for millions of years. And quite a lot of it. I am still working on the meat chapter of my book and will post sections of it here for review so I hope you will be back to read them.
For now, let me just say that if someone wanted to live the way we were designed to live, vegan would not be it.
Best regards,
Eric Edmeades