Dear 59245,
Your question of how to reduce the Demand or desire for Abortions is pertinent.
The reducing of Demand can be approached from a personal level, community and global level.
Demand for Abortions can be reduced by the increase of availability of Family Planning supplies, such as contraceptives and contraceptive jellies. Some family planning strategies involve Medical Professionals, such as inserting an IUD. So increasing the availability of Medical procedures to assist in family planning, would reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies. Abstinence practices could be further advanced, as the desire for sexual fulfillment does not always coincide with planning a pregnancy.
Education of reproductive processes could be expanded, as many couples getting pregnant, or seeking to achieve sexual fulfillment, but planning to delay starting or adding to a family do not have all possible known medical information. Social stigma against masturbation is another dynamic that places additional pressure on pregnancy risk activities, as compared with petting and sexual fulfillment through mutual masturbation.
Another issue is Women's Rights and respect of the role of women in various cultures. A recent book evaluating respect for women in various coutures, found considerable room for improvement of respect by men, for women. The seduction of a woman for pregnancy risk activities could be made more respectful, and would probably result in lower pregnancy risk satiation of sexual desires. Once a woman has a child, and becomes dependent upon the child's father, or other dependent family relationship, for sustenance/protection of her first child, the mother of one child is then more dependent upon the relationship, and less able to refuse pregnancy risk in activities, because of the need to maintain the relationship.
A complex dilemma is the role of p 0 r n in providing abstinence and reduction of pregnancy risk activities. Sometimes, Abstinence can be increased by male masturbation to p 0 r n images. Making masturbation to p 0 r n more socially acceptable should reduce some motivation for pregnancy risk activities. The other side to the issue of p 0 r n, is that respect for women is also an important component of reducing pregnancy risk activities. One of the dynamics of p 0 r n, is that for some men, the concept of p 0 r n re-enforces the idea that Women deserve less respect. So the availability of p 0 r n for sexual drive satiation, needs to be balanced against the possibility of p 0 r n creating less respect for Women.
While p 0 r n generally provides a visual stimulation that leads to satiation through masturbation for most men, p 0 r n has, for some men, on some occasions, served as an enhancer of sex drive for pregnancy risk activities. So those instances for which pregnancy risk activities occur, agitated by the availability of p 0 r n, need to be balanced against the large number of instances where p 0 r n has assisted in masturbation and Satiation of sexual desires, leading to reduced number of pregnancy risk activities.
A further issue of p 0 r n, is that many women are offended by p 0 r n, and ask other women, who might be less offended, to abhor p 0 r n. as a Sharing p 0 r n as a couple can enhance the sexual satiation, and lessen the desire for pregnancy risking activities, by making alternative masturbation or rubbing effective in satisfying sexual drives. The intent of women to increase respect for women through the abhorrence of p 0 r n, creates a block to the enjoyment of p 0 r n, by some couples. Increasing respect for women, may also reduce the abhorrence of p 0 r n, as a women's movement. Enjoyment of p 0 r n by couples could reduce pregnancy risk activities.