Patrick, she meant that drugs should STAY ILLEGAL !
Believe me, I've read enough of her posts to know what she is about.
She has no common sense like you!
Don't mistake her for someone who can actually think!!
She is saying that the fear of it going underground SHOULDN'T deter us from making abortion illegal, same as with drugs. (it is illegal now, and it is underground fueling organized crime and A TON OF OTHER MESSY THINGS -- well, i dont' have to go on -- and she Will say keep it that way.
Ask her if we might reconsider the WAR ON DRUGS.. perhaps approach legalizing it in some way, so that it can be regulated. Less $ for the criminals, more $ for the government, less crime, more help for the drug addicts... She will say NOOOOOO. Ask her if we should keep on with this so called WAR ON DRUGS she will say YEEEEEEEESS.
BELIEVE me, i will be ecstatic to be wrong on this one, but the hope is slim....