We cannot succeed at solving the abortion problem if we look at abortion as an isolated problem, distinct and separate form the other major social, political, economic and environmental issues that face us.
The evidence indicates that we cannot slice a the world apart into manageable pieces to be dealt with individually. "Abortion," "Environmental Destruction," "Poverty," "Crime," and "Saving Innocent Live" are all part of a whole in which individual pieces cannot be mixed and matched and mended separately. We cannot focus on only one issue and ignore all others.
To obtain a clear picture of abortion -- a clear picture of what it actually is, what it means, how it relates to other social issues, and how to resolve this problem, we need to examine it in it's very broad context -- the context where abortion is just one of a multitude of serious problems facing humanity today.
Every problem from global warming to hunger and poverty must be examined, addressed, and resolved within the context of providing the greatest, long-term good for the greatest number of people at the lowest costs. Costs are for more than money. We also need to minimize the number of lives lost, reduce grief and misery as much as possible, maximize individual freedom, and consume the least amount of money, time, effort, and resources? The resolution must: 1) actually solve or significantly reduce the problem, 2) it must be sustainable, and 3) it must be environmentally sound.
As you well know, humanity is facing some very serious problems,. problems that threaten the very foundation of human life on planet Earth. We cannot solve these problems unless we, first, acknowledge that they exist, second, know the accurate facts regarding them, and third, take action that will actually resolve them.
We need to look at what the evidence tells us about all of our major problems, within the broad context mentioned above. We need to look for and find the most practical, and workable steps to resolve them within our environmental, social, economic, political, and personal contexts. We need to consider the effect of our actions, globally, locally, and personally.