the interdenominational backbighting that goes on in this forum, haven't you noticed it?
the reason i asked you about religion was because you seem to take a 'sit on the fence' approach and i wondered where you were coming from. perhaps it's the best option and although the holy spirit is involved and all things are considered, the PREVENTION of having children isn't debated enough. i know it's not the complete answer and problems will still remain even so, but we are at times going in the direction of unnecessary personality clashes, political claptrap etc.
it would i feel be more appropriate if people who have been through the trauma of abortion to tell their own story without being subjected to intolerable insults from people who have not perhaps been faced with the dilemma of abortion.
i myself have been guilty of throwing my two pennyworth in, but feel that i am on the side-lines on this question and dont have the right, perhaps sounding 'holier than thou' like many others. there are others that have been 'through the mill'
chosing not to abort, but i talk of those who just have not any option left but to go through the dilemma of aborting their offspring.
sem, it matters not what people do in this life there will be alway's someone to condemn them, closing their mind for the reasons (not copouts) why. and when you scrape the surface of those accusers the mind will sometimes boggle. Tom.