When do we, as a society, grant a developing, human, life-form the status of a separate, sovereign, individual human being and accorded him or her full human rights?
What is the answer to this question? There are many opinions, but nobody has the one and only answer. Who can say he or she is right and everyone else is wrong?
History does give us a clue to what is a workable solution: Any time any government has attempted to interfere with a woman's right to intentionally terminate her pregnancy, a civil war has broken out with repressive police power on one side and the citizens on the other side secretly defying authority. And while the war raged, abortion continued unabated.
When the promoters of forced motherhood speak in the halls of our government legislatures and propose making their personal religious beliefs (about abortion, sex, etc) the laws of the land, they are actually attempting to force all “non-believers” to practice someone else's religion.
As anyone who has studied history can tell you, the marriage between the Christian church and secular governments has produced a 2000-year-long, bloody legacy of intolerance, intimidation and harassment, intentional deception, lies of omission, political and sexual repression, heterosexual and homosexual hypocrisy, religious and racial bigotry, egocentric chauvinism, oppression of women, political tyranny and subjugation, violence, vandalism, arson, and murder.
And if that’s not enough, they claim their leader to be infallible, they claim exclusive access to God, and they base their entire anti—abortion campaign on an absolutely unprovable, Medieval fairytale about God doing a conception magic act.
The evidence indicates that the fundamentalist Christian leaders who are spearheading the anti-abortion movement are keeping with their historic tradition. To escape this kind of religious tyranny is the very reason this country came into being as well as the reason our Constitution includes a guarantee of religious freedom and the separation of church and state.
¤ If you honor freedom of religion,
¤ If you honor the United States Constitution,
¤ If you honor the Christian Bible which clearly states that an individual human life begins at first breath,
¤ If you honor the Moslem Koran that indirectly states that an individual human life begins at first breath.
¤ If you honor the Jewish Talmud which specifically states that an individual human life begins at birth,
¤ If you honor the Native American religions which teach that an individual human life begins at birth/first breath,
¤ If you honor the Eastern religions which` teach that humans are spirit beings who always were and always will be,
¤ If you honor whatever God you profess to worship,
then the only reasonable option is to honor the inalienable, God-granted rights of all other human beings.
This means to allow all people the right to make their own religious decisions, not only about abortion, but also about everything else in their personal, private lives.