See what you don't realize is that I actually sit down and TEACH my kids about life. We get together on a nightly basis right before bedtime and have little chats about the GLORY of life that God gave us -- and how to make the most of it. I teach them about doing their best, about treating others kindly, about telling the truth, about how to make something of their lives, about responsibility and about love. Abortion is none of these...which is why (I believe) it won't be on their radar when they get older.
You are right about one thing though, my faith has done a number on me. I used to be an empty shell...but now I'm full of life and vigor, full of motivation and thirst for all that life has to offer. I'm no longer fearful of getting old or getting sick or dying because I know where my destination is. It's a powerful sense of inner peace that has transformed my life. S