OK Superhero:
This will be the last post that I will respond to you in any way. In fact, happily, I think I’ll just move on. My intention here is to not shame you in any way, but to get you to think outside the box. The hardest thing we can do is take a step back and look at ourselves.
When I say you do not add value, it's because you keep saying the same thing over and over, but you never add to the discussion. The only thing you seem to add is anger. You have alot of anger towards "liberals" which is such a sweeping statement. Actually, you seem to have alot of anger issues, period. You are exposing yourself as being devoid of any intellectual prowess. You have yet to bring any actual, fact based issues to the table.
Sad to say, this is a public forum, so you simply cannot choose those who you wish to have as part of the discussion. I can, however, choose not to discourse with you anymore.
You have made alot of judgments towards me. You are projecting. Yes, I am pro-woman, and anti the stupidity lobbed at them. As to being pro-choice, or pro-life (a stupid term, meaning all other people are "pro-death"), I have never actually stated my position. I am definitely anti-aggression however. And by the way, I most definitely do “get it”.
It’s too bad that women who come to this post are unable to have a discussion without suffering from emotional attacks.
Please read some of your prior posts and tell me if you possibly see any kind of recurring theme?
1) Hey #42407...why don't you try getting an actual identity as opposed to hiding behind a number?
2) But to your question......if you are unable to distinguish between a situation where the mother's life is in danger, and an abortion of convenience -- then you have a mental problem.?
3) Schools are already indoctinating elementary kids on pre-marital sex, condoms, AIDS, and homosexuality.
4) do you have the ability to actually READ a post and make a logical statement based on what you read? I said nothing about whether an 8 year old girl should be able to have an abortion. Try again and report back.?
5) luckily for you your mom didn't cut your life short by way of vacuum or knife to the head. Thank your lucky stars.?
6) boy (or girl) I've got to tell you, you sound like a cold, emotionless person..........?
7) your logic is laughable.
8) these people have evil swimming in their veins.
9) hey 59665, keep going...don't stop there -- there's a million and one other rationalizations you can probably dream up for killing someone. In your pretty little world, if the person doesn't face prospects for a pleasant future, then that person should be terminated. Wow. Brilliant thinking.
10) stupid question again. Is that the best you can do? Are you out of legitimate arguements?
11) This country is too great to have blood on it's hands like this. You obviously have no problem with the act.?
12) How much would YOUR life worth if someone were to potentially punture your skull and suck you out of your mother's womb? You tell me....
13) Would you terminate/murder a 2-day old baby because he/she doesn't have a promising future or doesn't have perfect health? Well...you might..but most people wouldn't.?
14) A couple posts back I talked about evil. Liberals can't recognize evil because they ARE, by definition evil. This is a perfect example. You can't recognize that terminating an innocent child is evil...so all that's left is hate for those who oppose your view.
15) May I ask you, Molly which political talk show you listen to? Is it Al Frankin? Randy Rhodes? Who? Because this statement sounds just like something that they'd say.
16) Yes, a feel-good counseling of sorts for those holding the murder weapon. Would that make you feel better? Your arguements always seem to leave out the person getting annihilated.
17) Although I appreciate your attempt at finding common ground, your "real" solutions are nothing but a feel-good solution for the pro-death abortion movement. You're completely leaving out the victim of this horrific act. You just simply don't get it.?
"Outlawing abortion would not eliminate the practice, and doing so would have unacceptable consequences. If abortion were banned, women would simply find other illegal and unsafe means of aborting pregnancies."