This is just my opinion but it may just be the vitamins your taking while fasting.. are you strictly water fasting? if so it may just be your body trying to overcompensate with the vitamins.. naturally your body will use what it needs for energy and fuel/vita/minerals while your fasting...
I cant remember if you were the one that said you were anemic before and thats why you had to take them.
I know this doesnt totally solve "abstaining" from vitamins but this may be less taxing on your body.
http://www.eczemamiracle.com/products.html (USE THIS LINK)
This is mainly an Eczema cream Freederm (site) that i purchase cream for my .. now the reason why im directing you to an eczema cream site is cause on it they sell these big bottles of liquid vitamins and being that its liquid it your body will probably assimilate it much easier and less taxing on your body to use pill form.
Hope this helps!
p.s. and nausea is usually just a sign to that your body is detoxing.. its pretty common... maybe up your water intake so their isnt room for possible hydration. :)