you are very right.... Lots of biblical fasting....Jesus even tells us how to fast in Matt 6:16 and 18..He says WHEN you fast...not IF you fast! Fasting is and should be a part of a christian lifestyle. And even the experts suggest fasting as part of a healthy lifestyle. Our society is so food oriented that the thought of missing a meal is frightening..I know it was for me lol..but I know Im on a path to seldiscipline and better health all together.
I like what you said about not licking the frosting..its a small thing, but we are so conditioned to do things like that you know . Not that its me picking up a piece of candy out the cany dish when I walk by..... no big deal but its a habit, I do it not even thinking.
To All my fellow fasters, partial fasters you keep up the good work, Im proud of you!!