Not that this is the correct way to go about it, but just to give you a success story... My dad has been suffering from
Depression for over 15 years and has been continuously switched from one pill to another. His body just got immune to the effects of one and they had to keep switching until he went through the whole batch of
Depression meds, which led the docs to reducing/increasing doses, and mixing different meds. My father was a walking zombie, and had contemplated suicide MANY times.
After much research, and accruing MORE physical ailments caused by ingesting these TOXINS, my father decided enough was enough, and since
Depression was caused by CHEMICALS (or lack thereof) in the brain, he was going to rid the CHEMICALS from his body. HOW did he become depressed in the first place? No one knows, but probably from the years of ingesting non-organic foods, smoking, etc. So, dad quit COLD TURKEY. He knew, as his body was flushing out the toxins he'd hit some suicidally (is that a word? points, but decided to continue with it and to remember that each day he wanted to put a gun to his head. He knew anything was better than living a whole life of popping pills to feel better only temporarily each time. Dad took over a month (doing a fast without ingesting more toxins) to flush out the YEARS of prescription meds, and other crap. Now, he's the happiest he's ever been in his life. He has balanced his body out and has smiled more than I have ever seen him smile. He's extremely active, always going for walks and working outside (he's retired) and even started dating and found his new bride. He's always cracking jokes, and is absolutely FULL of life!
I know it's recommended to see your doctor while trying to detox your body and get off your meds, and although my dad did it on his own, at the very minimum go see a NATUROPATHIC doctor and not a western med doctor who is basically taught to cut, cure SYMPTOMS and not CAUSES, and to prescribe toxic medications. I have a few western med. docs in my family and even they are contemplating switching to a more naturopathic approach to medicine, having seen the amazing effects of that vs. western medicine practices.
Hope this helps someone!