how we all doing???????? i will start with myself......starving really really really starving this time stupid i started two days before the big red event....
nothing is gonna make me cave....i wasnt even thinking about it till last night when i snaped at my kid for leaving a cup in the sink...yes just a cup....i just got done with my kitchen and she comes in with a dirty cup and leaves it there....then i sat back and thought okay girl whats up with you its just a two second clean just a freaking then i relized its not about the cup its the women i went into my kid room and said sorry didnt mean to snap on a cup...usually folks snap on a dime but oh no not me i snap on a this makes a bigger challenge for me....pmsing to the extreem starving like you would not believe knowing that if i make threw the next couple of days without killing someone or eating the house i will be a lot happier....i will not let the team down......
anyway just felt like venting a bit....hope everyone is doing great i will check back at luch....luv to ya all..will power to all....its gonna be a skinny new year's.....french