past is the past is the past........ that is a bad story and a sad one...... but its done its over and now all we have to look foward to is the future........... laugh at that my dear........... say oh man how the hell did i ever let my cute ass get that big........ and tell your self you will never be that fat chick again that cant lift her leg to get into a truck............i feel your pain as far as the man thing bf skinny as the day is long...... and i was just like him even smaller...i woke up one day and blam i'm blimp.............i didnt see my self getting like that yeah the pants were tighter but whats a few
pounds happens to the best of us right............holy shit then i seen a pic of me always avoided getting them taken but this one snuck up on me........ i was terrified......could not believe i was that big..........and i thought the same thing.....hello human toothpic
you cant tell someone that there ass is the size of three houses.......whats wrong with you..........oh yeah so after i got done blaming him for me being fat..keep that fat pic with me for a very long time..........look at every now and again and said that girl is gone for life............ so i went from size 12 to a 10 now a 8 goal is size 6..............and i know what your thinking oh 12 arent big......well to someone who is 5'3.5 its way to big......... circus material midget bitch is what i i laugh and say neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr again....... no more sad stories just happy ones okay.......french