OK yesterday I was weak. I mean I was real real real weak... Well ok not so much weak but I just felt like it. LOL
They had these barcardi low carb apple breezers and I got a 6 pack. Well I drank all of those (so good you could slap yo mama) and I had 2 chicken legs off the BBQ and today I wake up not wanting to get on scale and low and behold 228!!!!! I still lost weight!!! Is it just that when you get into ketosis you are burning anyway. Also I think I may be onto something here. I didn't eat or drink any alcohol until well after 5pm so my body burnt ass all day. Maybe as long as you burnt ass all day you can relax at bit.. But also if I add up the carbs from the alcohol and the chicken I am not even close to 30 grams which would stop ketosis. I dunoo I was releived though when I woke up. I thought I really screwed up here. Oh yea also I am not hung over in the slightest.. Isn't what weird? Usually I would be feeling soo crapp yright now.. Maybe fasting gets rid of toxics faster? Who knows. I kept slammin my green tea while I was getting buzzed up LOLOL I am not going to do that 2 days in a row though but wow man. I haven't seen the 220's in a while... Belly is major shrinkage... I can see it in my legs..
It's memorial weekend and I know its going to be a serisou challenege to stay away from the BBQ and Brewsky!!!
Wish me luck ladies good luck to you all
Lets all put a potato in for strength!!! LOL