Hello guys.
I'm wanting to become a vegan, but I want to limit my foods to fruits and vegetables-- no grains. I am on my way to becoming diabetic, like the rest of my family, and I am nipping it in the bud now. I realize that, in the long term, I will need to be very careful with such a restrictive diet, but I would rather be careful than be diabetic! I also have come to realize that it is wrong of me to eat meat 'as long as I don't have to think about where it came from'.
I will be reading your messages regularly and hope to glean some heplful information on the transition and maintenance of this sort of eating-style. I can't cook to save my life, so the simpler the better! I am wondering if anyone has any good cook book suggestions... I am looking for something with about 4 ingredients or less, with minimal preparation. I am mostly looking for interesting combinations of flavors, with emphasis on vegetable and fruit rather than grains. Thanks :) Good luck to all.