Claudio Acuña
Doctor Delio Esteve was the chairman of the Association Naturista Argentina that poses as an organization who groups vegetarian people. Doctor Delio Esteve was bred along with his brother Lirio as a strict vegan by his father the naturopathic doctor Juan Esteve Dullin. Doctor Juan Esteve Dullin is the founder of the Association and wrote several books that still are sold and promoted by this one. In the books of this naturopathic doctor we found out that he was not bred as a vegetarian but he converted to this doctrine for health reasons. In his peculiar way of life he favors the opinion that healthy human feeding must be strictly vegetarian without taking neither eggs nor milk. The nourishment must be natural and therefore the supplementation with minerals and vitamins is not allowed as it is favoured in our modern and decadent times. The fasting diet completes his doctrinaire baggage. Doctor Juan Esteve Dullin explains that the best therapy of all is the long lasting fast, taking only natural water, of approximately forty days of duration. If anybody is not cured with the fast and the vegetarian diet is not going to be healed with nothing. As by accident I had tried a fast of about twelve days of duration having obtained a lot of benefits, I went to get some advice on the subject from Doctor Delio Esteve. To my surprise, this doctor, son of his father, who posed as vegetarian and had been bred as vegan, nowadays recommended his patients to take milk to obtain a suitable dose of calcium that, apparently, strict vegetarian diet cannot provide. The doctor emphasized that " I must drink a litre of milk a day, at least ". Of course, he still was against the artificial supplementation of foods with vitamins and minerals bought in pharmacies. He said that if a person did not cure itself with the vegetarian diet and taking milk he is not going to be healed with anything because the problem is mental. To my amazement he repudiated any form of fasting diet to which he called "that". Do not do "that", he said to me in a worrisome mood. I had precisely arrived to this place just by the benefits I had obtained doing "that". So I could not try megadoses of vitamins and minerals, he did not believed in such nonsense, nor practice long term fasting diets to heal myself. I felt like having been left in balls in front of this doctor. We remained without words and staring each other for a while till I left without ceremony and without him telling me farewell.
Claudio Acuña