Hi every one, I have been looking at some other web sites and found out something that might be of interest to other fasters. Sometimes when people fast their electrolights go out of balance and it results in headache, shakes, feelings of coldness etc. The things responsible for this are a deficency in potasium, which the body can not store, and magnesium. I also discovered that the food that is highest in potasium is blackstrap molasses. It has tons of it and is regularly used by people as a supplement. It is also very high in other vitamins. I have noticed other postings in curezone that talk about the use of maple syrup, which also has fair amounts of potasium but way more calories. Blackstrap molases only has about 50 or 60 calories per tbls, and you would only need 4 tbsp to have your entire daily recomended allowance of potasium. Another interesting thing I checked out was symptoms of starvation. It makes for a very interesting read, which led me to check out potasium and magnesium deficiency and blackstrap molasses. I would like to hear other peoples thoughts on these topics. Thanks so much, Sandy.