I was planning on waiting to start my juice fast, and raw eating until I was able to buy organic produce. Since my car is out of commission getting to stores or markets that sell organic, is pretty much out of the question. So, I was planning on waiting until I could, because I didn't want to start and then end up running out of things and then do something bad... So, does anyone have any suggestions. I'm wondering how effective my juice fast would be on non organic produce, and is there something that I could soak my produce in to combat some of the pesticides and things. I really don't want to wait any longer, I'm ready to start now, I've put this off for long enough. I did check online for online organic produce, but it is so expensive I don't think I could really afford that. So, could anyone offer me any suggestions. I'm desperate to start this new part of my life, and everyday that I'm still eating the SAD I hate putting it into my body... Thanks in advance :)
God Bless