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I too have heavy metal poisoning. Lead, Nickel, Cadmium, Mercury and Cadmium to be exact. I underwent 12 rounds of DMPS Chelation along with taking a healing dosage of Chlorella 20g since July 5th of this year. I recently went in for a urine provocation and only the mercury has disappeared. I am now feeling very sick again and very headachey, along with heart palpitations, my heart isfluttering and a strong tightness in my chest along with dizziness. My Dr. thinks it's only the chelation and suggested I take 800 mg of magnesium. He also said it could take up to 30 more DMPS Chelation sessions before getting the lead out :( Since visiting him, I just finished reading this site:
http://www.evenbetternow.com/environmental-toxicity.html on it they post
http://www.dmpsbackfire.com which states many negative things about DMPS Chelation , on the
http://evenbetternow.com site they strongly suggest 2 products for ridding your system of heavy metal toxcisity:
1- LL's Magnetic Clay Baths and
2- Bio-Chelat both products are relatively reasonable in the chelation realm and
I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with them? If so, was it positive or negative as the DMPS is rather expensive and I'm not feeling well with it and I'm thinking of switching to these products for a couple of months and then go for a urine provocation to see if the metals are out or not but I'd love to know if they're any good or not first or should I just wait and continue with the Chlorella in large doses as I've read a lot of good things about chlorella and heavy metal detox. My Dr. seem's insistent on me doing more DMPS as my lead level is extremely high but then again, he's not paying for the treatment, in all fairness I did email these links to him and am awaiting his response but my inner voice is telling me that DMPS isn't for me, I don't want to continue with it for years wind up thousands in the hole and end up with metals still in my system as it seems to take forever before eliminating them.........any info would be helpful.... Thanks :)