Here is my feedback, but first let me ask, are you trying to chelate out mercury? Or some other metal or mineral? EDTA is what I'm looking at to get rid of calcium deposits. But if I had a mercury problem I'd go to the Andy Cutler protocol, which uses other things rather than EDTA. (there is a curezone forum on Chelation-the Andy Cutler method).
I had seen study result of some kind on rectal suppositories of the magnesium or potassium form of EDTA working to get rid of calcium deposits, but can't remember where I saw that. But so far the only products I've seen that are made to be suppositories are ridulously expensive - $250 for a month.
Why couldn't people simply buy plain liquid (or powder) EDTA, in the magnesium, calcium, or potassium form and put it into an enema bottle? The sellers of the suppositories even mention that
colonic insertion (in other words, an enema) of EDTA has been proven much better absorbed than oral.
The sodium form of EDTA, which is the one widely available in capsules online from health food supplement sites (and cheap) is caustic to skin (supposedly) and so only can be used orally, not rectally. Something about stomach acid making the caustic quality not hurt your stomach - BUT oral use only gets a very very low absorption rate, due to the stomach acid.
So I'm still looking for a cheap source of plain EDTA in the magnesium, calcium, or potassium form, to use in enemas.