my name is peggy and my intention is to fast mainly for spiritual reasons. i don't believe that i can attain the depth of peace , and emotional well being unless the vessel of my body is purified as well. i don't make any distinctions between mind body and spirit as they are all inextricably linked. i have done many fasts in the past and I have enjoyed them physically though the emotional venture was a mixed bag of incredible fear and incredible hope. i don't understand exactly why my feelings were so dichotomous. they just were and i am just being honest. as for food cravings. i subscribe primarily to a raw food diet so the "transition" to fasting is not very difficult for me. like i said, physically i don't have any problems with fasting especially since i will be doing a juice fast and not a
Water Fast ( big difference!)
i always felt that i could do everything on my own. i think that this was simply my pride and the feeling that fasting was so personal that there was no way that i was going to let anyone know what i was undertaking. i have to admit however that fasting is like undertaking a battle with oneself , actually... it seems more like a war. the enemy is invisible and sometimes ( well... most times) hidden from me... completely. So, what I am trying to say is that I really do NEED YOUR SUPPORT in the biggest way and would truly appreciate any support that I can get. WEll, today is day 1 and so far so good. this is exciting.
i look forward to hearing from you.