Sorry to take so long to get back to you!
Couple questions.
WHY are you fasting?
HOW LONG to you plan to fast?
WHAT are you doing during your fast to keep your intestines April Fresh? You must do either an herbal lax tea in the evening and morning, or lax tea pm/salt water flush (see Master Cleanse
Forum FAQ s for recipe) and/or enema. It is well worth learning to do a proper enema if you are serious about cleansing! There is a great enema/colonic forum here at curezone with all the facts.
Please know that retaining water has nothing to do with weight gain or loss. DRINK TONS OF WATER! You are cleansing your kidneys/liver along with everything else, and you need to flush regularly.
Your choice of juices is fine for a short fast. Underweight people lose less weight while fasting, and tend to gain it right back when eating is resumed. Thin people DO fast for cleansing purposes, quite successfully!
Even though you are doing juices, feel free to ask questions on the
Master Cleanse Forum , which is very active and helpful. I will help all I can here, and there as well.
Best to you,