This issue: Design,, Aspartame, Quackery, Gallstones, Codex, FDA, Chew,
healing, liver flush,
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Free CureZone Newsletter Nov 16 2003
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"Meet My Monsters" ... I flushed 4 times while pregnant.
Largest stones: 3.2 cm.
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Lastly, I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but you may benefit from seeing every problem
as a potential blessing in disguise, for that is what they are. Stop figuring out the "why" behind
everything, especially behind what you consider to be a problem. Every time you catch yourself
questioning why this, why that, what's wrong, etc., just let go of the need to figure it all out.
Trying to figure things out only increases fear and doubt. Let it be, and the blessing behind it will
show up. Read
Aspartame or Rumsfled's disease:
* When people who consume aspartame become ill, the wide spectrum of symptoms are commonly
referred to “aspartame disease” by those who understand the connection. Since Donald Rumsfeld can
claim credit for aspartame's 1981 FDA approval, we believe its appropriate that the disease be
renamed, “Rumsfled's disease.” Read
advice needed - a doctor wants to remove gallbladder: My
daughter (11years), started to feel pain in different part of stomach a few weeks ago. We came to the
hospital, they made urine test, blood test and ultrasound.
Read -
Read Answers
You are experiencing the same problems over and over again because your environment is always a
mirror of what you are thinking. Since you are very focused on what is wrong with your environment,
your friends, your apartment, your problems, you attract more and more of that. In order to change
the pattern, you have to fix the cause. The cause is the constant thinking about your problems.
Thinking about problems will not make them go away, so it is a waste of time anyway.
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Where did
the term "Quackery" come from? Quackery is derived
from the word quacksalver ... Quackery was yesterdays alternative medicine, is today's complementary
medicine, and will be tomorrow's new branch of medicine. What is considered Quackery is purely a
matter of politics. Read
Labeling News: So using this numbering system, a conventionally
grown banana would be 4011, an organic banana would be 94011 and a genetically engineered banana
would be 84011. Interesting isn’t it?
New forums on CureZone:
Update on
Codex: The Codex: Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary Uses (Codex for
short) met in Bonn this year from 3-7 November, to progress their proposals to ban information and
health-related messages concerning vitamins and minerals and also to reduce the maximum permitted
amounts of these essential nutrients to levels at which they would no longer be effective.
Is the FDA
Really Protecting Us? What do Pondimin,
Redux,Seldane, Posicor, Duracht, Hismanal, Raxar, Rezulin, Propulsid, Lotronex, Raplon, and Baycol
all have in common?
Answer: All are drugs that the FDA pulled off the market within the last few years that were
fraudulently approved by this criminal Agency where corruption runs rampant.
Don't just
remember to chew, Chew to remember: The Japanese
researchers found that when teeth were missing or in a state of disrepair, older people chewed less.
This subsequently led to an increase in stress hormone levels. Good dental health and the ability to
chew properly appear to be important factors in preserving our memory as we age.
eating Stephen Barrett? Barrett appears to be saying that the typical American patient
is stupid, hysterical or paranoid, easily duped, and generally incapable of making a rational,
correct medical decision on their own. The patient is mistaken and wrong in thinking their multiple
symptoms have any connection to the foods they eat or the environmental chemicals to which they are
exposed. The media is irresponsible and not to be trusted as an information source about medicine,
especially about alternatives. Doctors who practice alternative medicine are unscientific,
opportunistic frauds or quacks, peddling flawed or junk science.
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