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1) Growing up. It was a great day when I realized that I could be responsible for my own health and that I am allowed to make mistakes if I want to. It is not only what I do, but how I think and feel that matters. I can correct myself constantly and not be upset.
2) Respect. Respect, I want it -- so I give it.
I try not condemn anyone. (Except burger and cola manufacturers -- only joking!) . This constant judging and labeling had to curtailed.
3) If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly - my favorite saying. I try eat and drink just pure food, I fail - but, I have shot at it.
4) Health. I have taken it for granted - so what am doing here?
In the 1950 the health guru Gaylord Hauser got me going on some good guide lines for nutrition and all my friends thought I was barmy
5) Happiness. I married a good, honest, fun man. . . It is so important to be happy. Do not underestimate how boring you might become. . Married sex comes crashingly boring without fantasy Why am I talking about sex on a Health website? - because it is part of life and it is important to health and self esteem. (I wont say 'self esteem' again today I promise.)
6) Money. Lack of money need not be so terrible. It's too easy to blame it for everything. I have never been in debt. No -that is not good luck it is…oh yes - go on then it is luck!. However I practice going without a lot of things which seem essential to others. My indulgence? I love to travel and have freaky holidays in India whirling with Dervishes and humming with Hindus. Whirling and dancing are tremendously good for you by the way.
7) Relationships. An overworked topic. I read that somewhere.
8) Ill Health is boring. C'mon everyone let us admit it - ill health is boring !
Wouldn't we all rather be Brad Pit or Ursula Andrews emerging from the waves, or galloping over the horizon on a white horse, partying with friends with wine and roses? Go on then- have your own fantasy!
9) Reproduction. Get it sorted out - cut that worry about contraception. You should know all there is to know about it . (Then help anyone you know .) Nothing hit or miss please. Having babies is a mega experience do not doubt it. Let us not have accidents.
10) Growing old. I started at University when I was 68 and gained a First Class Honors degree in Fine Art. That has kept me healthy ever since. Education has been my salvation. Along with reading hundreds of books.
11) Problems! How I hate them. I do everything to solve them. I love learning from the Curezone Members. Focus then forget it. Get on with the next thing. You do not want to bore yourself to death do you? Life is not going to suddenly start when you get cured y'know.
12) Meditation. I went to Ashram in India where they meditated by dancing, humming, jumping, whirling, painting - anything except sitting still!
In the cities I watched with sympathy some poor people living on garbage and as far as I could see none of them had excema or psoriasis. I admit they probably had a few other things
13)Confessions. I hate the following: drinking water, doing as I am told, going to bed early, resting or vacuuming I love: dog walking, chocolates, Christmas dinner, Oxford, curry, blossoms, boats and picking apples!
14. Relationship do not "end;" they just change and watch out when you move on. You are still 50% of the relationship.
These are my thoughts about life. (Please give me credit for not mentioning steroids, essential oils, God, self-esteem, peace of mind or diet---How about that!)
Love From Jan