My wife and I had being drinking and eating soy for 3 years finding only positive results, specially for my wife as hormone replacement, just make sure it is "Organic" there is a lot of soy that is genetically modified. Another thing that is very good is to eat one radish every day.
Soy has being around for centuries and had been a natural source of food for Asia ( China, Japan, etc).
Remember that it is also good to have a balance diet with cereals, fresh frut, vegetables and legumes. Our fast rush life is responsible for our health, avoid sugars and refined flour, cofee, milk and dairy products and specially any kind of meat, red or white.
for more information about health you may call Dr. Lozana and Endocrinologist in Miami , Fl. he will not charge for consulting 1-305541-4858.
Good luck! and Good health