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Subject: My Experience With
Bentonite Clay...Awesome!!!
From: StarBrite
Date: 10:06 Jul 12 2002
Hi Guys!
I have had a bump-type 'thing' on my nose for about two months now. It looked kind of like skin cancer,(several people in my family has had it)... since it would not go away, even after trying EVERYTHING. I was looking at it last night, and decided to try one more thing before going to the Dr.'s I purchased a jar of "Aztec Indian Healing Clay" 100% Bentonite, some months ago and have used it as a facial several times with good results. It is really great for reducing the size of your pores, which is the main reason I got it in the first place. (pores on my nose which have gotten bigger with age :>(..Anyway, this thing on my nose (not really a bump, but a raised dry-patch) was the size of 1/2 the size of a pencil eraser. I applied 1/2 teaspoon clay with enough 'Apple Cider Vinegar' to make a paste, put in on my nose and let dry for 30min. I repeated this for three times and when I rinsed the clay off the last time, I WAS AMAZED AT WHAT I SAW...all of the swelling WAS GONE. It had reduced what ever it was, to the size of JUST THE PORE, with a little white hard stick-thing right in the middle of the pore. (it reminded me of a splinter) I could rub over the top, and feel a little hard top, but could not pull it out of the pore, So, I took a pair of tweezers, took hold of the top of the 'splinter-thing' and when I pulled it out, it was like a 'cork in a bottle'...blood just pored out of the pore, about a teaspoon!! and when it stopped bleeding, just a small opened pore remained!!
This morning, just a little red spot where the pore is, but THAT IS ALL. I mixed another paste and applied it to my nose this morning, and when I rinsed it off, almost nothing remains!!! This stuff is AMAZING..JUST TRY IT !!