I've never heard that one before - just another thing to love about the flush, if it's true! I've heard of eyes changing color, though.
I decided to become raw this summer, and made a raw aquaintance - a man who owns a raw restaurant near me. He told me that before he went raw, his hair was totally grey, and showed me photos. His hair is brown now. I found it hard to believe (although in the months that followed I learned never to disbelieve anything!), but in this past month, my hair is almost totally auburn again - the grey is almost gone. I just noticed it the other day and did a triple take in my bathroom mirror. I had so much grey that I couldn't pluck out the individual hairs anymore, or I would have gone bald. Now - hardly any left! Is it due to raw foods? Is it due to my 6 liver flushes? Is it a combination of the two? I don't know!