Ooh, good question!
Just yesterday I mentioned to my galfriend "You know, like when you google somebody from your past to find out where they are?" and she said "I have never done that."
And it surprised me. She is very happily married, and that is enough for her.
Me, I have been looking for some people for over 30 years. I want to know how they are, and can I help them? After all, once I love somebody (elementary school teacher, childhood neighbor, friend, whoever) it's forever, and in this life we crossed paths and added to one another's growth, and maybe in this world we will cross paths again, and I would love to hear what interesting lessons they have learned.
OFTEN I contact people from years ago and thank them for some kind word or deed. It is fantastically rewarding to me to thank people for some kindness. Most of the time they are amazed to hear that what they did was helpful. Usually it makes them cry.
I would think it terribly strange and sad if some loved one from my past, especially an ex-fiance, never ever thought about or cared about me. I still care about them.
Maybe your husband is doing that?
Just a thought,