Hallo, I hope it does work :)
I'm excited I might be able to help as I know what this is like!
If you are in the UK Lypsyl is good - but really anything that's very thick&waxy (and obviously no flavours or colour etc) like plain chap-stick is fine.
I was the same as you (my parents were doctors even and kept putting steroids on, but that didn't help at all, I guess a chap-stick might have been too simple an option to think about?) and I always tried to hide my mouth with my hands - licking it all the time as it was so dry. I know how you are feeling :( it's really uncomfortable and feels embarassing. In my experience it should only be a few days of wearing chap-stick 24/7 and it will go.
GO FOR IT - and dont let that stick out of your pocket for one moment!