My name is Cristian Ionica and I´m living in Romania.
I have recently created a short ebook (51 pages) on
male infertility and I would like to offer a few copies
to people who would like to read and evaluate it.
All I ask in exchange is your full feedback about
the ebook and your permission to use your comments
as a testimonial, if you are impressed.
Your name will be kept confidential and (if I use
your comments as a testimonial) I will only use
your first name and last initial. So, your privacy
is completely assured.
The ebook is very informative and is writen in the
day-to-day language, so it´s a quick read.
Not only that you´ll learn a lot from the ebook,
but you may also find a way to solve your own problem.
If you´re interested to receive a free copy of the
male infertility ebook, please drop me an email at
cristiionica@rdslink.ro with the subject
"Free Infertility Ebook".
Thank you very much!
Your friend,
Cristian Ionica