Hi Tracey,
How are you feeling?
I´m having a bit rough time lately. The weather is stormy during last days and my emotion as well.I´m being really moody. On the emotional swing, going up and down. One of my best friend, who has always a looot of patience for me, told I have insupportable character. Yep, it made me think.
I discovered, when I´m not OK with myself, I´m always hurting persons whom I love and need more than others, like my friends, mothers. Than I feel even worst, trying understand why have I done it?
I used to be optimistic cheerful person, who was moving mountains , only if I wanted. But past year´s experience had changed me so much! But now is my turn, I can´t accept the way how I behave lately.
Well, I got back to flowers essence (first time, as I was traveling a lot, I wasn´t really systematic:(
I´ll do my best this time. I got essence recommended by you and some witch I feel might be good for me.
So my final mix is:
-Holy (a huge problem with loving myself, sometimes being jealous of other´s position-I feel like I would rather be on their place)
-Honeysuckle (accept my past and cut myself of from it, stop analyzing:If I would do it differently, If I said something deferent in this moment. live here and now.)
-Larch-(my self-esteem, I want to believe in myself as I used to before. So far, I´m doing one step forward and three backward, because I´m afraid I will failure,I´m not good, smart etc.enough)
-Sweet chestnut ( I just read description of this essence and I thought-that´s me!)
What do you think about that?
All bunch of love,