During this time of rapid growth, I thought of you and how you have helped me in the past. So, today I want to share with you 2 books that have helped change my life- these are beautiful, wonderful guide books on Bach flower essences- that will completely revolutionise the way you use the essences.
May I also suggest Tracey that you try the Healing herbs Bach essence brand developed by Dr Juilian Barnard. I find these work a lot better than the Nelson or Ainsworth brand. The healing herb essences are made with love and intention whereas the Nelson batch are homeopathically manufactured.
I can't tell you how much these books have helped me in my life.
Here is a link that gives a sample from one of the books.
The Books:
1)Dietmar Kraemer, New Bach Flower Therapies, Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont. ISBN 0-89281-529-9
2)Dietmar Kraemer and Helmut Wild,
New Bach Flower Body Maps
Treatment By Topical Application,
Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont, USA
ISBN 0-89281-531-0
Hope you are happy and doing just fine,
Lots of Love,