I had posted this message at the
Candida Forum , but got no answer , so thought I'll try here:
I have just recently heard and read good things about kombucha tea and thought I wanted to give it a try, perhaps see where to get a good starter from. But first I need to check out two concern I have.
1) Since the brew is fermented, therefore obviously full of yeast bacteria, I am wondering if it could bring on a bout of candida. I used to battle with candida for years, but have had no outbreaks or symptoms for about two years. But I remember having gotten it back once before, so I don't want to jeopardice my present state of health. I would love to hear from people who have candida AND did/ do well with kambucha. Someplace I even read that kambucha can help fight candida, I have difficulties believing this though.
2) Can it be done with green tea only, without black tea, as black tea prevents me from having a good night's sleep.