I have a swollen neck gland right under my right jawbone.
Just went on vegan diet this Jan o5. Doing well on that. Could this be a detox thing?
Had it about 3-4 days. Haven't tried any cleansing yet.
The last 3 years I have been to several doctors with the following symptoms:
Light shaking in hands. Heart palpitations. (Don't do caffeine) Sinus issues.
Loose stools. Uti's. Stiff back and neck.(comes and goes) Angina(a little)
Nausea, dizziness, varicose veins, abnormal pap that has been checked , retested a year later and clear. Cold hands. Headaches. fatigue. depression. Stress. Seems like vision off a little at times and head pressure moving around like sinus headache.
Just haven't felt healthy. Am 37 with two little girls and full time job. Doctors always say I am an overworked, stressed mother and blow me off. But, I don't feel well.
All symptoms come and go often.
Had tons of allergies as a child. Lots of strep throat and sinus issues.
Hospitalized as a child with kidney infection.
Have a high stress , awful, manipulating boss that causes me stress.
Any ideas on what is up. Not ready to accept it as aging.
I highlight my hair-no all over color or bleach. Appreciate any thoughts.