Hi All,
This is the situation. My mom who is 86 now and have came across some health issue and i don't know what to do :-(. Our family Dr said that her arterys are clogged. Basically, one is 100% finished and 2nd is at 90% and she is only running on 1. The Dr will not perform any surgery b/c she is having kidney and bladder problems as well. Right now her Kidney is running at a 3.8% and i'm doing my best to see what is best for her. Being that i'm only 28yrs old, i don't have much experience in this field and have no other place to turn to. Just hoping this message can somewhat give me some prospective and insights. Her Kidney was well until our family Dr injected some kind of fluid into her so he can get an x-ray ( not knowing how her kidney was ) Basically, he made matters worse then it was. If you have any suggestions or any kind of help what so ever. I will be so so greatfull to all of you. Please email me at Wtan76@yahoo.com. Thank you for your help! Sorry if i cannot be more specific about this matter b/c i am so lost in words and grief i don't know what to do. If you can help, please email me at Wtan76@yahoo.com. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!!!
William Tan