Dr. V.
I will soon have used 30 foot pads and will start my weekly maint.
My question is: Is there any protocol to follow now to get rid of the yeast concerning diet, probiotics, cleanses, anti fungals, etc. OR are the detox pads supposed to have taken care of getting rid of the yeast.
My understanding from reading some of the past post is that it was a losing battle to fight the yeast until we got rid of the mercury. I have had all mercury fillings removed and now I've done a 30 day detox with foot pads (along with liver cleanses, watching my diet, colonics, etc.). Do I need to use antifungals and/or probiotics? I really haven't noticed an improvement in my symptoms yet (dizziness, imbalance & migraine associated vertigo), so I was wondering if you have a protocol to follow after going on maintenance?