Hi Marks:
30 days is an average detox period. The time each individual needs to use them varies depending on the level of toxicity.
I, for example, was very mercury toxic from my exposure while practicing dentistry. It took about ninety days to start dissipating some of the symptoms. Others, after 30 days have achieved a fairly good cleanse.
My pads used to be very full and now are only about 1/3 dark.
There are various ways to get an indication of when you should go on maintenance. The pad testing is useful as far as the indication it gives us as to the toxic content in the pad after use. However, since it does not monitor quantities we must look elsewhere for quantitative results.
The simplest is to monitor the pads not so much for color, but for shrinkage in the size of the dark area (due to lower output by the body). As soon as the pads start displaying smaller dark areas (more white showing) it is time to move into maintenance.
Another proposition is to have a hair analysis done as a baseline and repeat it a few months after the cleansing period.
Other methods involve using strong chelators and monitoring the urine or feces, however, I do not recommend these tests as they can be very harsh and even damaging to the kidneys and liver.
Best Regards,
Dr V