i t doe shave a stong smellthe next mornign i agree..
i try to clean my ffett with a saopy antibacterial .. goo dsmell soem thign liek a lgith blend of dr bronners pereermint stuff with water and also might tka e a q tipand put a drop od oil on it/ swab insid nose to pick up smessl tah tmgith be adher ign to your nose hairs...then re swab with clean water.
soem tiems it is jstu that certian smells ahere to outr nose hairs.
i don't know it tha tmight help ...if related
i swab my nose like that anytiem i run inot a bad smelli can't shake.. it almost alswys is a smell stuck on my nose hairs that i then smellon evyer thign else..
migth giv eit a shot..
i agree they can can really stink *(
and they smell up teh garbage can too !!
hey DOC there is a ne w amrklet idea...
littel smelloramama fragranced disposla bags for used pads lol !!