down below is a saample of what was ona pad test.. in eh quesssions a few posss down.
to my knowledge no extra thign s are needed.
Dr. Vinogard, i believe says if firs t tiem to start iwht right foot first only
on the sole.. to get teh liver area detoxing and drawing.
sometiems it is a bit much on folks to do 2 to start/ esp sicen the lef tfoot sole involves the spleen detoxing.
gererally the best way to do tehm is to soak feet first in a gentle
Epsom Salt foot bath/ warm water as a prep.
completely dry/ let foot dry.
then apply follwign your directons witht eh white sid eof the pad against teh skin.
lie back and goto sleep 8)
best is to leave on 8 hours whiel you sleep/
if you smell tthem first, you will noive the woodsy vinegar smell that is normal, tha tway you knwo what they semll like first 8)
belive me they will be a pukey stink after usign tehm lol !!
thses thigns are great btw..
also as a sid enot e since the doc doesn't toot his own horn 8)
all teh profits youjsut bougth goto help research to help autistic childeran 8)
and all his emplyees are volunteers 8)
he is jstu a super guy and it is nic eto knwo whiel youare helping your sle fyouare also helpign children 8)
i haope youahve as great a imporvemetn usign these as i do..
i ahve been usign them about 41/2 motns now .. i am on teh maintenace once a weeka dn still always feel better when i use them 8)