double vision is still gone/ great energy
swelled lump on my forehead/ i have had about 5 years is
pretty much completely smooth and gone now!!!
in fact alot of wrinkles/ that were fluid retention ones on my forehead or pretty well almost gone!
this is amazing !! lol hmmm i m 45 ishould at least have soem forehead lines lol !! if this continues amy bei will look 20 again *laugh *
Ami B.
ps i also noticed redness around beoken bone area on my lef thand
it hurt a bit/ then next day it was gone,
my hands were almost completely white/ palms. now they are actually lookin gpinkish and healthy/ then nail beds are staying pinkish/ when i tighten hands straight/ whrere as before the nail beds went totally white. the half moons havent returne dyet, but there is a purple blush whreeer the half moons should be/ which is much better thatn none at all !!
i am almost in tears veyr day seein g this greaat stuff happen in changes/ esp to at leas tget my face and hands back looking normal
i took a break from teh pads/ the night i had bad headaches...
but i think it starte dthe sweelign sto leave from those areas/ cause i have doen nothing else.
i intend to use the pads again tonight