hi. i willkeep it short.
tucked pads up under my toes and pulled cotton up behind them to hold them tight under there, then adhesived them up and over a smaidge to get the top also/which is the brain area/ on reflexology. again wwraped my foot up withacebandge in cas ei ahd to get up so they wouldn't loosen esp in a crevice area
i feel great. my double vision has not returned yet/ this is past 24 hours now since i stopped having doulbe vision.
last night i read an instruction manual clearly and wrote on paper and could read the listin gon tv scan directory which i had not been able to do. my vision is REALLY improving.
the smell, is part wood and sweet herbs (i made a point this tiem to smellthem before i applied them and that is the woodish scent i smelled first i really couldn't idnetify/esp with teh strong herbal odor that was on my pads. i used 2 again on each foot (1st night )= one on heel and one on sole.
(2nd night )= one under back and over toes, and one on sole
i did notice soem completely white spots which were very hard,
like rock almost. even tho i had made a point to compress pads firmly and bound them up close to my curve sin my foot.
again they were a mossy green. and did nto smellbad, just herbally and woodsy. i have a really good amout of energy this morning. even tho it was very cold last night. i feel like exerciising ad gettign a really good cleansing shower and a good breakfast.
anyhow oh yes ps... the pain i had from 2st tiem over old scar areas is totally gone this afternoon.
ok bye for now.