Well so far it's been a diff. flush. Last night after taking the
Epsom Salt I did not have a BM once. I ended up chugging the oil mix while holding my nose, while still holding my nose I had my toothbrush ready and imediatly started to brush my teeth. That helped with the toothpaste over powering the oil . This morning when I woke up I did not imediatly go to the bathroom, I took my epsom and ate a little something..Well I finaly went, I had a few stones and alot of sludge. I don't think it is over though, I hope not because I hope to release a few more stones.
It's very strange because the
Epsom Salt usually gives me severe diahria even before the 2nd dose in the evening..One thing I can say is my skin is exceptionally soft today , and actually I feel pretty good. I will take my 2nd morning
Epsom Salt which usually I miss because of the usual diahria. Today I feel I need to take it. Thanks to all of you, it is definitly a special group of people on this site..