Wild oats has a recipe search on their website.
Lots of free recipes. Click on "recipe" when you get there. They also have free recipe workshops on how to cook at different locations. Have to do a search for your location. Whole foods also has similar cooking classes and free recipes on their website
I'm not sure if you are trying to make smooth hummus spread or a salad? Hard to tell without a picture. But chickpeas are also called "garbanzo" beans. So you can also call your salad a "garbanzo salad".
Make sure you use cold pressed extra virgin olive oil - not too much. Just a teaspoon to toss the salad. If you are using chickpeas from a can, then make sure you drain and rinse the chickpeas really good first. Don't put the chickpea juice in with the salad.
You can try doing a google for the image of chickpea salads here at
and then click on one of the images that looks like the salad you ate and then sometimes they have recipes on how to make them.
I also found this website that has chickpea salads with pictures of the finished recipe.