I remembered my first zapping experience couple months ago and it was weird the first time. My left ear popped as soon as I turned on my zapper. I zapped one straight hour which i regret because it left a small deep burn on my wrist (i was using the wrist strap) that took a long time to heal. It was deep enough to notice that it burned through all the layers of my skin. The weird thing is that it doesn't hurt at all. I switched to the 7/20 protocol and the burning stopped.
Anyway, after the zapping, I felt very tired and I was having shivers all night but not bad as having the flu. The next day, I felt normal and had more energy than before. It may be psychological. Today, I zapped about once a week and never experienced what i had the first time i zapped. I also exercise regularly now and eat alot of fruits and vegetables. Also, drink alot of water but don't over do it. I know I have more energy than before now. Also my lack of sleep (usually 5 hours avg.) contributed to my lack of energy before.