Only we could appreciate that lame joke! Okay. First of all, Rowan, thanks very much for giving me heads up on that. Here's what I found out. Please DO comment on this though - because I don't know if you know that for sure or if you are drawing that conclusion based on "whey." and I'd greatly like to round out the info.
I went back to the health food store where I got it and talked to the guy who sold it to me. He did remember our discussion about fasting and cleaning the bowels, and said that Jarrow's Whey Protein doesn't cause mucous in the stool, although some brands can, but I forget why this one doesn't - which is why he said he gave it to me vs their other protein options.
Somewhat mollified but not altogether relieved (Rowan sounds has that "informed" sound and I've generally been suspect of this one guy at Chamomile anyway), I went home, and made a call to Whole Foods Market in Arlington where I used shop when I lived there. The guy there said the same thing, but he made the same suggestion I notice Quill has - and that is that I take spirulina - either powder form as I'm doing with the whey, or capsule form. He said it's a protein, and quite filling, and in addition to that, it doesn't require digesting as the whey protein does (although he said that whey is better than soy digestion wise).
So some really good info came out of this - because even though the whey protein (Jarrow's anyway) doesn't cause stool mucous, I learned a preferable alternative that apparently will function equally well AND not involve digestion to the same degree. Whey it is through tomorrow, until I can get back to the health food store and buy the spirulina.
Quill, thanks for adding that in. And Rowan, please DO share with me your knowledge base, especially because you sound like you KNOW. And I say that with sincerity so that I have full info on both sides (also cause I didn't have the canister and I might just want to ask for my $$ back and your info could very well help that).
Thanks VERY much - this has been quite illuminating!