What is the Good Life?
The good life is accepting that you are a special creation. The good life is knowing that you do have a purpose. The good life is when the Great Creator Breathes His love into your heart for the first time. The good life is explaining to your children that they ARE special, that they ARE wanted, that they ARE loved by the Gracious, Loving Creator of the Universe. The good life is telling your kids and wife that they have HOPE.
The good life is searching for truth -- and finding comfort there. The good life is removing your faith from the human race and instead putting it in Him.
The good life is your first real prayer. The good life is that delicate moment when you finally tell your Creator that you're sorry for a lifetime of ignoring Him. The good life is when your heart melts with His love. The good life is stretching your arms up in the air and finally giving the Lord everything you are. The good life is taking your wife's hand and praying with her for the very first time. The good life is throwing away your past and looking towards your future in Him. The good life is realizing that there are millions of people besides you who've also felt this magical love in their hearts. The good life is when you find out the Scipture perfectly foretells this wonderful plan -- and this feeling in your heart.
The good life is never again wanting to lie, cheat or steal. The good life is loving your wife more than ever and wanting only her. The good life is not obsessing over money. The good life is when your heart cracks open for the world to see.
I know the good life now. S