There are many types of eczemas. You seem to be describing what is termed 'contact dermatitis'. This type of eczema occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen/irritant and develops a flareup in the region of contact. In this case, it is important to identify the allergen/irritant (instigator for the breakout); so that it can be removed from your environment.
To address your skin care needs and to restore health to your skin, you want to find a natural oil or moisturizer that promotes skin healing. The options for skin care are varied. I can suggest three options for your consideration: Burt's Bees Buttermilk lotion, Borage Skin Therapy lotion by Shikai (fragrance free), and Colloidal Skin Therapy lotion by Nature's Gate (fragrance free). All three of these moisturizing options can be found at Whole Foods Market (a national health food chain). You can visit the store and inquire for test samples of each of the mentioned lotions as a means of testing yourself for allergens before making a purchase.
A third thing that you will want to address is your immune health. The eczema flareup is messaging to your body that your immune system is being overwhelmed by allergens (toxins). In order to restore health to your immune system, you will need to address your nutrition. Beta Carotene/Vitamin A & zinc boost immune health. A daily intake of plenty of water, fruit and vegetables will help the body by providing it the vitamins & minerals necessary for proper functioning, by rehydrating the skin, and by prompting the flushing of toxins out of the blood stream and out of the body through regular bowel movements. Soft drinks and processed foods/sugars cause havoc to the immune system; therefore when the body is attacked by an additional allergen/irritant it becomes overwhelmed in the attack and a flareup occurs. Your body is messaging, through the flareup, that it needs to be flushed of the toxic invasion. Because soft drinks and processed foods/sugars contribute to the toxic environment, it is necessary to adjust the daily nutrition of the body to reflect the nourishment needed to fight successfully. I don't know what your current daily nutrition entails; however, I encourage a very
healthy Diet during the process of skin restoration and until the desired healing is achieved.
My nieces were covered in eczema (from head to toe). We attacked the eczema in the three areas that I've mentioned above: internal (immune health), external (good, natural skin care), & foreign (identifying allergen/irritant). Their eczemas occurred in their infancy (about 3 months old); and the skin was totally healed in two weeks time. The oldest niece is now five years old and her sister is three years old. They remain eczema free to this day. Therefore, in answer to your question, "has anyone gotten rid of it?", yes, two beautiful little girls have. The skin care alone didn't do this. Identifying their allergens and ensuring a
healthy Diet is responsible for the longterm success my nieces have enjoyed.
You also stated that you had to wash your hands frequently and that you wore a gown. It sounds like you are either in a lab, factory, or medical field. If so, do you handle chemicals or wear latex gloves? Some people develope contact dermatitis from wearing latex gloves.