As you stated, there are lots of post about weight loss during the MC. I have just completed my second 10 day fast in the last 43 days and here are my results.
First I started at 251 lbs, 6'4", and after the first 10 days I dropped to 233. During the two week period of eating pretty good, no sweets, very little meat, lots of fruits and veggies, I gained back 4 lbs to 235. Now at the end of the second 10 days of fasting I am at 225 lbs (total of 26 lbs). During both fasting periods I walked daily.
Sure, I did not lose 40 lbs, but the results were WAY better than I expected. Plus, I feel GREAT (read previous post). Like me, I’m sure you have tried to lose weight before, this works AND you get the real benefit of cleaning out your system. This benefit really hit home to me when my best friend just went through passing
kidney stones caused by an ulcer – lots of pain. Kind of a wake-up call for me, and thank God I have started cleansing and eating better. I finally see what being overweight can do to your body, and not just too much weight, but bad eating habits as well. (My friend was not over weight.)
You can do this, and it really is pretty easy. Go back and read all of the older post for info and encouragement – lots of good info on this forum. And most importantly, PREPARE mentally, spiritually, and physically.