Reader, if you are a Bible-believin' Christian we need you to pray for the following which was sent to me by one of our readers. These sodomites are really something. Satan's demise is imminent but in the meantime, we fight.
" I am requesting your prayers for a confrontation against sin going on in Ypsilanti, Michigan. More than a year ago, a homosexual student organization, Tri Pride, went to a print shop to get some raffle tickets printed for one of their events . The print shop owners...are Bible believing Christians and they politely declined to do the job. Tri Pride then sued the Hansens on the grounds of discrimination. Subsequently, the Ypsilanti City Council moved to include a "non-discrimination" ordinance which would include "sexual preference" with other categories of protected classes (race, sex, etc.).
"Our pastor, Wesley Rowe, mobilized our church and other area churches to support the Hansens and speak out against the homosexual ordinance. The Ministers Alliance of Ypsilanti (an organization of black pastors) similarly mobilized their churches and was represented by Levon Yule, pastor of The Bible Church of Ypsilanti.
"The City Council appointed a group of nine people into a Human Relations Committee which held a series of public forums. These meetings were heated but non-violent meetings which concluded with the Human Relations Committee voting AGAINST a homosexual rights ordinance by a vote of 5 to 4. Despite their recommendations, the City Council voted unanimously to pass the ordinance anyway. The members of the City Council are obviously very sympathetic to the homosexuals and in fact, two of them are homosexuals!
"Subsequently, a group (largely of Christians) organized Citizens Opposed to Special Treatment or COST. This group labored to get petitions signed in order to have a referendum vote on this issue called Proposal C. They got more signatures than they needed and a vote will be held on May 5. COST has also organized a rally on April 30 which will feature the Wynans and the niece of the late Martin Luther King. Reggie White the defensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers will also be there as he is an outspoken Christian against homosexuality.
"Please pray that those undecided will vote YES ON C which will strike the homosexual ordinance from the city laws. Please pray also for the rally that it may be well organized and have a good attendance. In addition, please pray for the safety and efforts of all the COST workers who have diligently been handing out flyers and writing editorial letters.
"Given the moral and spiritual climate of our country the odds are definitely against Christians. Yet regardless of the outcome we have to be salt and light to our community and stand firmly for Christ and the Bible. The Lord Jesus wants us stand against evil and sin albeit in a lawful, responsible and God honoring way. I grieve for our nation but I praise the Lord for his sovereign power and wisdom. In the end His holy and righteous justice will prevail! To Him be all honor and glory!!"
Glory to God! You know what? Even if the sodomites win, they've still lost! we Christians KNOW how this battle ends, glory to God and hallelujah!
I don't know if this group of bold, righteous citizens has contacted the ACLJ yet, but this is the information I sent the writer about the ACLJ...
"The ACLJ is the Christian equivalent of the ACLU. They fight cases all the way up to the Supreme Court. Jay Sekulow is the Chief Counsel--a highly intelligent believing Jew. He has a call in radio show and regularly appears on 700 Club and is profiled on Jews for Jesus. His organization called me for a donation the other day so they were fresh on my mind when I got your e-mail. Their website is at and I got the following information from there:
Contact the ACLJ
American Center for Law and Justice
P.O. Box 64429 (757) 579-2489
Please include:
Name, Address & Phone Number,
if you wish to receive a response
Reader if you find the homo/sodomites or any other messing with your rights of religious freedom or expression, the ACLJ is a good place to start for legal counsel. Also, don't forget to support ACLJ because you don't know WHEN you will need them!
Reader, if you are a Bible-believin' Christian we need you to pray for the following which was sent to me by one of our readers. These sodomites are really something. Satan's demise is imminent but in the meantime, we fight.
" I am requesting your prayers for a confrontation against sin going on in Ypsilanti, Michigan. More than a year ago, a homosexual student organization, Tri Pride, went to a print shop to get some raffle tickets printed for one of their events . The print shop owners...are Bible believing Christians and they politely declined to do the job. Tri Pride then sued the Hansens on the grounds of discrimination. Subsequently, the Ypsilanti City Council moved to include a "non-discrimination" ordinance which would include "sexual preference" with other categories of protected classes (race, sex, etc.).
"Our pastor, Wesley Rowe, mobilized our church and other area churches to support the Hansens and speak out against the homosexual ordinance. The Ministers Alliance of Ypsilanti (an organization of black pastors) similarly mobilized their churches and was represented by Levon Yule, pastor of The Bible Church of Ypsilanti.
"The City Council appointed a group of nine people into a Human Relations Committee which held a series of public forums. These meetings were heated but non-violent meetings which concluded with the Human Relations Committee voting AGAINST a homosexual rights ordinance by a vote of 5 to 4. Despite their recommendations, the City Council voted unanimously to pass the ordinance anyway. The members of the City Council are obviously very sympathetic to the homosexuals and in fact, two of them are homosexuals!
"Subsequently, a group (largely of Christians) organized Citizens Opposed to Special Treatment or COST. This group labored to get petitions signed in order to have a referendum vote on this issue called Proposal C. They got more signatures than they needed and a vote will be held on May 5. COST has also organized a rally on April 30 which will feature the Wynans and the niece of the late Martin Luther King. Reggie White the defensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers will also be there as he is an outspoken Christian against homosexuality.
"Please pray that those undecided will vote YES ON C which will strike the homosexual ordinance from the city laws. Please pray also for the rally that it may be well organized and have a good attendance. In addition, please pray for the safety and efforts of all the COST workers who have diligently been handing out flyers and writing editorial letters.
"Given the moral and spiritual climate of our country the odds are definitely against Christians. Yet regardless of the outcome we have to be salt and light to our community and stand firmly for Christ and the Bible. The Lord Jesus wants us stand against evil and sin albeit in a lawful, responsible and God honoring way. I grieve for our nation but I praise the Lord for his sovereign power and wisdom. In the end His holy and righteous justice will prevail! To Him be all honor and glory!!"
Glory to God! You know what? Even if the sodomites win, they've still lost! we Christians KNOW how this battle ends, glory to God and hallelujah!
I don't know if this group of bold, righteous citizens has contacted the ACLJ yet, but this is the information I sent the writer about the ACLJ...
"The ACLJ is the Christian equivalent of the ACLU. They fight cases all the way up to the Supreme Court. Jay Sekulow is the Chief Counsel--a highly intelligent believing Jew. He has a call in radio show and regularly appears on 700 Club and is profiled on Jews for Jesus. His organization called me for a donation the other day so they were fresh on my mind when I got your e-mail. Their website is at and I got the following information from there:
Contact the ACLJ
American Center for Law and Justice
P.O. Box 64429 (757) 579-2489
Please include:
Name, Address & Phone Number,
if you wish to receive a response
Reader if you find the homos/sodomites or any other weirdos messing with your rights of religious freedom or expression, the ACLJ is a good place to start for legal counsel. Also, don't forget to support ACLJ because you don't know WHEN you will need them!