Hi Koolcat, I would like to make a comment regarding your post. Anytime you have another company or product in this case that has to use another product to show that they are better or more superior is usually not a high quality product. Think about it, have you ever seen an ad or a post that said Kinotakara VS. Another pad? The answer is no and that is because Kinotakara is the original pad that was formulated by the two famous Japanese Doctors who spent their lives searching for the secret behind longevity. After over 26 years of research and development they formulated what is now known as the best foot pad product on the market. How do I know that? Simple...9 out of 10 people who use Kinotakara acquire the results they are looking for. Notice I purposely left out the names of the two Doctors but if you go to the other pad websites, they are falsely using those Doctors to represent their pad products. I can say more but why bother, I don't have to prove anything to anyone, all they have to do is try them and the results will speak for themselves.
To your Good Health,